Registering Staking Pools (RegisterAovrStakingPool)

While the Staking Pool registry account must be initialized (and rent exemption paid) by the ovr-program before any inflation runs occur, there is no requirement to initialize all 100 staking pools from the start. Initially, 1 staking pool will be initialized though the RegisterAovrStakingPool function. This function will need to take in the Staking Pool Registry, new staking pool account and payer accounts, the pool index for the new pool, and will execute the following process:

  1. The ovr-program will read the registry and ensure that the index (position) of the pool is empty. In the example data above, the positions of pools 0 to 2 are already occupied so the available positions are 3 to 99.

  2. The new account that is passed in must be initialized to the correct size needed for the pool, the rent exemption balance must be present, and the payer account must be the owner.

  3. The ownership of the account is transferred to the ovr-program

  4. The registry slots array at position 3 is updated with the new pool address and values of staked and owed are set to 0

Anyone willing to transfer ownership of a paid-for account of the correct size is able to register a staking pool as long as the position provided is empty on the registry.

Last updated