The Artist Contract

As early as 1971, Seth Siegelaub, a NYC based curator, art dealer and author published the Artist Reserved Rights and Transfer Agreement – or simply the “Artist Contract” - together with the renowned art lawyer Robert Projansky. The contract intended to safeguard the economic interest of artists, particularly in the case of an artwork’s resale, reproduction, or rental. It was based on careful considerations of the interests and motives of all involved parties over the lifetime of primary and secondary artwork transactions and was derived from discussions and correspondence with more than 500 artists, dealers, lawyers, collectors, museum people, critics and other parties involved in the day-to-day workings of the international art world. To facilitate widespread usage the contract was set out to be an easily accessible document. It was written in simple English and translated in various languages.

The Artist Contract is an important source for ALLOVR and many of the rules and regulations set out in the contract are embedded into the ALLOVR Artwork Token (NFT) as well as its royalties distribution mechanism.

More information about the Artist Contract can be found in the blog post Siegelaub’s 1971 Artist Contract — Will we see widespread adoption in the contemporary and digital art space in 2022?

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