Governance Model

ALLOVR is a community-driven project. Consequently, the network needs a governance model that delegates decision making to the ALLOVR users and community, serves the general purpose of the network and supports the long-term stability and reliability of the project.

The proposed ALLOVR governance model mostly relies on learnings from the purpose economy movement, general organizational theory on efficient collaboration, as well as open source and peer-to-peer communities.

The governance is implemented through the ALL DAO. DAOs for the first time allow the implementation and enforcement of efficient collaboration absent of traditional governance models like hierarchies. However, every DAO requires a functioning governance model to work efficiently.

The ALLOVR governance model follows various goals:

  1. To serve the core purpose of the network in the long run:

  2. To provide a simple, long-lasting and effective alignment mechanism for artists, dealers, collectors, artists supporters and general art enthusiasts.

  3. To empower artists to form deeper connections with their collectors and communities and to participate in their own success in the long term

  4. To delegate as much decision power as possible to the community within any given point in time considering the state of the network and the resilience and stability of the ALLOVR token economy.

  5. To empower the ALLOVR Community to take efficient and effective decisions and to facilitate off-chain community discussions and interaction.

  6. To appreciate early supporters, as well as people joining the community at a later stage. So-called core-team barriers clearly have to be avoided.

  7. Finally, to serve the ALLOVR community and before stated goals in the long run by seeking stability and long term network resiliency.

We understand those fundamental goals as core values of ALLOVR that are intended to be immutable. None of those should be changed or altered as they reflect cornerstones of the ALLOVR network16^{16}.

Existing and new community members should identify with those fundamental goals, as a decent degree of alignment in the contributor community is key to achieve efficient collaboration and full facilitation of the network’s potentials.

We are convinced that community-empowered projects can strongly benefit from reasonable leadership - especially in the early stage of the project. That is why the founders and early contributors are willing to take clear responsibilities and at the same time appreciate to delegate as much decision power as possible to the ALLOVR community at any given point in time.

The ALL DAO relies on different instruments17^{17} to achieve the intended governance model:

  • An efficient on-chain voting scheme based on

    • Community votes and community commitments (inspired by the Maker DAO model)

    • A defined voting cycle (like Compound)

    • Automated execution (by handing over Authority of ovr-program) and

    • No incentives to vote

    • Delegated Voting should be avoided

  • Protection of the network through a Governance Pause Delay

  • Fair & Healthy token-distribution procedures

    • Initial token distribution

    • Contributor distribution…

    • Usage based distribution…

    • Token Sale

The enforcement of the governance model has to be aligned with the state and maturity of the network as well as with the maturity of the underlying token economy.


16^{16}We appreciate the possibility that certain members of the ALLOVR community may be willing to alter the fundamental goals of ALLOVR or the general direction of the project in the future. However, our current proposal would be to do this via a network fork. ALLOVR is 100% community owned and open source. We are of full support if network features are used to serve other purposes than the ones defined as ALLOVR core values, as long as they are ethical, non-discriminating and serve humanity.

17^{17}Technically, the DAO is relying on the Solana Governance Program (own deployment). Adjustments to the governance program could be made to fully serve the ALLOVR governance model. In the fully established governance model, the ALLOVR DAO is authority to the ovr-program, the ALLOVR Governance Program and the treasury and consequently controlling all core assets of the network.

Last updated